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Funeral Mass. July 16, 2016.

The Feast of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel

Concelebrated by Fr. Joey Maborrang, OCD, Parish Priest and Fr. Nonong Pili, OCD

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HOMILY by Fr. Joey Mabborang, OCD
Opening Rites
First Reading & Responsorial Psalm
- Desi Marfori Nery
Second Reading
- Raffy Abasolo
Prayers of the Faithful
- Paz Reyes Nery
-Fr. Nonong Pili
The Our Father
sung by Dot Gancayco

Thank you to Gov. Dick Gordon & the Philippine Red Cross, and Daniel "Boone" Ongchoco, Past President of Rotary Club of New Manila Heights, for hosting the luncheon on this day.

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“When I die, I will send down a shower of roses from the heavens.

  I will spend my heaven by doing good on earth.” - St. Therese of Lisieux

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